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SMV Project | Meet Our Researchers – Dr. Warren Herold

Meet Our Researchers – Dr. Warren Herold

Jul 26 2016

Meet Our Researchers – Dr. Warren Herold

In our quarterly newsletters we have been introducing some of our research team members in a special section entitled “Meet Our Researchers.” Read the latest edition of this column, from Dr. Warren Herold, co-PI on the SMV-funded project “The Virtue of Self-Distancing.”

“I did not study much philosophy as an undergraduate. I majored in economics, environmental studies, and music history. After college I worked for three years as an economic analyst in the environmental policy division of an economic consulting firm in Boston, and earned a master’s degree in environmental and resource economics from University College London. I enjoyed working as an economist, but I kept bumping up against difficult questions – about rights, about justice, and about the values of various non-economic goods (e.g., health, safety, the natural world). Dissatisfied with the way economists typically discussed such things, I began to look elsewhere.”


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