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SMV Project | SMV News

SMV News


SMV Project Co-Director, Dr. Narvaez, Wins the Expanded Reason Award

SMV Project co-Director, Dr. Darcia Narvaez, won the Expanded Reason Award for her 2014 book, Neurobiology and the Development of Human Morality (W.W. Norton & Co.). [vc_separator type="transparent" position="left" color="" border_style="dashed" width="" thickness="" up="" down=""] The international selection committee for this award reviews works that answer the...

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New Book, Co-Authored by SMV Researcher, Dr. Blaine Fowers

SMV Researcher, Dr. Blaine Fowers, recently co-authored a book on flourishing and human limitations, titled, Frailty, Suffering, and Vice: Flourishing in the Face of Human Limitations. The book was published by the American Psychological Association in April 2017. Read the publisher's description below. [vc_separator type="transparent" position="left" color=""...

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Meet Our Researchers – Dr. Warren Herold

In our quarterly newsletters we have been introducing some of our research team members in a special section entitled "Meet Our Researchers." Read the latest edition of this column, from Dr. Warren Herold, co-PI on the SMV-funded project "The Virtue of Self-Distancing." [vc_separator type="transparent" position="left" color=""...

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2016 SMV Conference a Success!

On May 5-7, 2016, thirty-three researchers, including 20 research team members, 8 Core Project team members, and other visiting scholars, converged at The University of Notre Dame in South Bend, IN, for the 2016 Self, Motivation & Virtue Conference. Representatives from each SMV-funded research team...

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Work-Life Balance: Luxury or Ethical Necessity?

Dr. Bradford Cokelet recently published an article on Psychology Today entitled "Work-Life Balance: Luxury or Ethical Necessity?" It begins: [vc_separator type="transparent" position="left" color="" border_style="dashed" width="" thickness="" up="" down=""] In the age of email and smart phones, work-life balance is hard to find. Workers are often expected to...

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Performing Virtue

By Michael A. Zampelli, S.J., Ph.D.   As a university professor and as a Jesuit priest, I am privileged with many and varied opportunities to notice virtue “passing into holy souls.”  Whether it is a student trying to cultivate honesty and intellectual perseverance in the frenzy of...

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Why We Love Virtue

Dr. Blaine Fowers recently published an article on Psychology Today on "Why We Love Virtue." It begins: [vc_separator type="transparent" position="left" color="" border_style="dashed" width="" thickness="" up="" down=""] "I’ll bet you love virtue. You may or may not know you do, but it’s a good bet that you do. [vc_separator...

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Evans Hall

We’re Moving to Oklahoma!

SMV Project co-director, Dr. Nancy Snow, recently accepted an offer from the University of Oklahoma to serve as Director for OU's new Institute for the Study of Human Flourishing. The SMV Project will follow Dr. Snow to OU this summer....

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