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SMV Project | Research Teams

Research Teams


SMV Researcher Awarded the 2017 Quinn Prize

Earlier this month, the American Philosophical Association named SMV Researcher, Dr. Peggy DesAutels (University of Dayton), the recipient of the 2017 Philip L. Quinn Prize. The prize is the APA’s highest honor for service to the profession. The award announcement included commentary by Dr. Cheshire...

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Meet Our Researchers – Walter Sowden

In our quarterly newsletters we have been introducing some of our research team members in a special section entitled “Meet Our Researchers.” Read the latest edition of this column, from Dr. Walter Sowden, researcher for the SMV-funded project “The Virtue of Self-Distancing.” [vc_separator type="transparent" position="left" color=""...

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Meet Our Researchers – Dr. Warren Herold

In our quarterly newsletters we have been introducing some of our research team members in a special section entitled "Meet Our Researchers." Read the latest edition of this column, from Dr. Warren Herold, co-PI on the SMV-funded project "The Virtue of Self-Distancing." [vc_separator type="transparent" position="left" color=""...

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Why We Love Virtue

Dr. Blaine Fowers recently published an article on Psychology Today on "Why We Love Virtue." It begins: [vc_separator type="transparent" position="left" color="" border_style="dashed" width="" thickness="" up="" down=""] "I’ll bet you love virtue. You may or may not know you do, but it’s a good bet that you do. [vc_separator...

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