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SMV Project | Initiatives & Events

Initiatives & Events

The SMV Project funded 10 research teams at approximately $190,000 each for approximately 2 years to study a variety of topics related to the moral self. All teams were interdisciplinary and many were international. Learn more

The SMV Project developed an online archive for moral self research, managed in coordination with the University of Oklahoma’s Repository Services. Access the archive, or learn how to contribute

The Moral Self Network is an interdisciplinary network of scholars who study topics related to the self, motivation and virtue. The network functions as a support to SMV-funded research teams and a resource for other moral self researchers. Learn how to join


The SMV Project hosted three conferences. The first conference was held on March 12-14, 2015 at Marquette University. The second and third conferences took place in 2016 and 2017 at the University of Notre Dame and in Norman, Oklahoma. Click below to learn more.

2015 Interdisciplinary Moral Forum

2015 Interdisciplinary Moral Forum

March 12-14, 2015
Milwaukee, WI

2016 Conference

2016 Conference

May 5-7, 2016
South Bend, Indiana

2017 Conference

2017 Conference

June 22 – 24, 2017
Norman, Oklahoma
