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SMV Project | Max Parish

Max Parish

Dr. Max Parish is the Project Assistant for the Self, Motivation & Virtue Project. He is also the Manager of the Institute for the Study of Human Flourishing. Max’s journey in higher education began with an A.S. in Aviation technology, followed by a few years working as an FAA certified aircraft mechanic and then as an electrician in the commercial electrical industry. He completed a B.A. in philosophy from the University of Illinois, Springfield in 2009, and came to OU the same year, having been accepted into the Ph.D. program. In September 2014, Max accepted the position as Project Assistant for the SMV Project, and then took on the additional responsibilities of Institute Manager in September 2015, while continuing to work on his dissertation. Max finished the Ph.D. in 2017. He has taught a variety of courses both in philosophy and other subjects at OU, at OU’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, and at Saint Louis University, where he spent a year as a visiting graduate student. His philosophical research centers on questions about the nature and source of practical normativity, especially as these questions relate to the ethical approach known as neo-Aristotelian ethical naturalism.

Personal Website

Email: maxparish@ou.edu

Phone: (405) 325-8657

Mailing Address:

The Self, Motivation & Virtue Project
620 Parrington Oval, Room 208
Norman, OK 73019

Max Parish, Ph.D.
Project Assistant
The Self, Motivation & Virtue Project