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SMV Project | Darcia F. Narvaez

Darcia F. Narvaez

Dr. Narvaez is Professor of Psychology at the University of Notre Dame. After college, she was a church musician, K-12 music teacher, middle school Spanish teacher and owned her own business. She also earned a Masters of Divinity. She earned her PhD in Educational Psychology from the University of Minnesota, where she earned tenure and was the executive director of the Center for the Study of Ethical Development. She publishes extensively on moral development and education. Her books include Moral Development in the Professions (with Rest; 1994, Erlbaum); Postconventional Moral Thinking (with Rest, Bebeau and Thoma; 1999, Erlbaum); Moral Development, Self and Identity (with Lapsley; 2004, Erlbaum); Personality, Identity and Character (with Lapsley; 2009, Cambridge); Evolution, Early Experience and Human Development (with Panksepp, Schore & Gleason; 2013, Oxford); Ancestral Landscapes in Human Evolution: Culture, Childrearing and Social Wellbeing (with Valentino, Fuentes, Mckenna & Gray; 2014, Oxford); and Neurobiology and the Development of Human Morality: Evolution, Culture and Wisdom (2014, Norton). She is executive editor of the Journal of Moral Education.

Faculty Page | Personal Website | Blog

Email: dnarvez@nd.edu

Phone: (574) 631-7835

Mailing Address:

100 Haggar Hall

Notre Dame, Indiana 46556

Darcia F. Narvaez, Ph.D.
The Self, Motivation & Virtue Project