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SMV Project | Nancy Snow

Nancy Snow Tag


New Book, Co-Edited by SMV Directors and Dr. Julia Annas

SMV Directors, Dr. Darcia Narvaez and Dr. Nancy Snow, recently co-edited a book on developing virtue with Dr. Julia Annas. The book is titled Developing the Virtues: Integrating Perspectives, and was published by Oxford University Press this month. [vc_separator type="transparent" position="left" color="" border_style="dashed" width="" thickness="" up=""...

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Uncut Interview with Dr. Nancy Snow on Virtue and Wisdom

Director of the Institute, Dr. Nancy Snow, was recently interviewed for a documentary film entitled, "The Science of Wisdom," a project supported by the Wisdom Research initiative at The University of Chicago. [vc_separator type="transparent" position="left" color="" border_style="dashed" width="" thickness="" up="" down=""] In the interview, Dr. Snow discusses...

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2016 NEH Summer Institute

2016 NEH Summer Institute – Apply Now!

SMV Project co-Director Dr. Nancy Snow will join 14 other faculty to help lead the 2016 NEH Summer Institute: "Moral Psychology and Education: Putting the Humanities to Work." Our Core Project Team member, Dr. Owen Flanagan, is also among the faculty. [vc_separator type="transparent" position="left" color="" border_style="dashed"...

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